Monday, 21 March 2011

Mist had rolled in during the night and carpeted the island for most of the day. A few birds had been attracted to the lighthouse in the night, with totals on the south end in the morning amounting to: a Blackbird, a Song Thrush and three Redwings. Three Lapland Buntings were again in the hay fields, with four Fieldfares by the schoolhouse, a Snipe in the wetlands and a White Wagtail feeding with ten Pied Wagtails on Solfach. Three Goldcrests were in the Plantation, also accompanied by nine Chiffchaffs. A Hooded Crow and a Woodcock were also seen in the afternoon.

 Good numbers of Pied Wagtails were scattered around the island.
 Hooded Crow
The moth trap was again set in Cristin Withy during the night; a Common Quaker and an Early Thorn were caught. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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