Friday 18 October 2024

Strong southerly winds saw some passage off the West Coast with a Tufted Duck, 27 Common Scoters, 178 Mediterranean Gulls and three Arctic Skuas south. The Yellow-browed Warbler remained in Plas Withy with a Woodcock at Nant and the Withies. 

Migrant totals were six Manx Shearwaters, 65 Gannets, a Little Egret, two Grey Herons, two Merlins, a Golden Plover, two Snipe, a Whimbrel, four Common Gulls, six Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 683 Kittiwakes, 863 Razorbills, two Guillemots, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, eight Skylarks, eight Swallows, four House Martins, four Song Thrushes, four Redwings, four Chiffchaffs, eight Goldcrests, 46 Choughs, 101 Starlings, 31 Siskins, three Goldfinches and 24 Chaffinches

Chough © Ed Betteridge

Rock Pipit © Ed Betteridge

Thursday 17 October 2024

Strong southerly winds saw a late push of hirundines with 67 Swallows and four House Martins through. Out to sea, four Arctic Skuas, 53 Mediterranean Gulls and 21 Common Gulls passed. A mobile Snow Bunting was on Solfach before heading south, a Black Redstart remained at Nant with the Firecrest and the Yellow-browed Warbler remained in the Withies. 

Other birds seen was a Manx Shearwater, 155 Gannets, a Little Egret, a Teal, 16 Common Scoters, three Merlins, two Water Rails, six Purple Sandpipers, six Whimbrels, 12 Redshanks, 53 Turnstones, two Black-headed Gulls, 735 Kittiwakes, 31 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 39 Great Black-backed Gulls, 1835 Razorbills, four Guillemots, two Long-eared Owls, a Skylark, 256 Starlings, a Wheatear, 23 Redwings, two Blackcaps, five Chiffchaffs, nine Goldcrests, 12 Chaffinches, 18 Goldfinches and a Reed Bunting.

Swallow © Ed Betteridge
Snow Bunting  © Ed Betteridge

Wednesday 16 October 2024

The wind remained from the south-east. The sea was generally quiet with 12 Black-headed Gulls, seven Common Gulls, four Mediterranean Gulls, an Arctic Skua, 22 Common Scoters and a Manx Shearwater pass. Two Black Redstarts were found with one at the South End before relocating and joining the other one at Nant were the Firecrest, Yellow-browed Warbler and Siberian Chiffchaff remained. Finches were in smaller numbers with 14 Siskins, a Goldfinch and 37 Chaffinches. A Jack Snipe was seen on the Narrows after dark.  

A small Blackcap increase saw nine logged but still low numbers of Chiffchaff and Goldcrests with six and eight respectively. More thrushes were on the move with 30 Redwings, nine Song Thrushes and 14 Blackbirds logged with four Grey Herons were in Henllwyn, 35 Skylarks over, 68 Starlings, a Grey Wagtail, a Wheatear, the Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Merlins, a Dunlin and a Ringed Plover logged. 

Grey Heron © Ed Betteridge

Chough  © Ed Betteridge

Great Black-backed Gull © Ed Betteridge

Tuesday 15 October 2024

A brisk south-easterly brought with it overcast skies with rain showers. The highlight of the day was a Little Bunting found in Plas Withy; the bird was mobile favouring the bramble hedges and long grass to the south of the Withy before joining a flock of three Chaffinches and heading high south-east. 

A noticeable arrival of Redwings totalled 72 with a single Mistle Thrush. Nant held a Firecrest, Siberian Chiffchaff and Yellow-browed Warbler with another Yellow-browed Warbler in the Withies. Out to sea, an Arctic Skua, 15 Mediterranean Gulls, 11 Black-headed Gulls, 17 Common Gulls, 923 Kittiwakes, an Arctic Tern, 908 Razorbills and 48 Common Scoters were logged. Overhead passage included 178 Starlings, 438 Chaffinches, 60 Goldfinches, 31 Siskins and 25 Linnets

During the afternoon a flock of nine Barnacle Geese circled the South End before flying high north, interestingly, a GPS tagged bird from Ireland which overshot and landed on Scilly was found to have gone north and landed on the Gwylans! Though none of these birds were carrying a tag it would be safe to assume these are also wild birds that have overshot Ireland to Scilly and are no returning north. The ended with a surprise Water Rail on the South End after dark. 

Other birds of note included a Little Egret, two Grey Herons, two Teals, two Sparrowhawks, two Buzzards, a Kestrel, three Merlins, a Water Rail, a Ringed Plover, three Snipe, a Whimbrel, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Long-eared Owl, Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Skylarks, five Song Thrushes, three Blackcaps, five Chiffchaffs and eight Goldcrests.

Little Bunting © Ewan Turner

Little Bunting © Ewan Turner
Barnacle Geese © Ed Betteridge

Monday 14 October 2024

South-easterly winds, saw overcast and rain during the early hours which cleared quickly. A large push of Chaffinch into the wind saw 1550 logged, the vast majority between 0730-0830. These were joined by 13 Bramblings, 58 Goldfinches, 90 Siskins and 11 Linnets. A male Hen Harrier went high east over Pen Cristin with the first Greenfinch of the year was at Ty Nessaf, a Black Redstart at Nant, three Yellow-browed Warblers including two colour ringed, the Ring Ouzel still in the Wetlands, five Little Egrets north and a Red Kite, two Reed Buntings, 26 Starlings, two Rooks and 18 Skylarks over. 

Other migrant totals were two Grey Herons, two Water Rails, three Merlins, a Sparrowhawk, two Kestrels, three Buzzards, a Snipe, 48 Turnstones, a Whimbrel, two Arctic Skuas, 92 Mediterranean Gulls, 25 Black-headed Gulls, 14 Common Gulls, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 23 Redwings, a Ring Ouzel, four Song Thrushes, 11 Goldcrests, six Chiffchaffs and three Blackcaps.  

Yellow-browed Warbler © Ed Betteridge

Yellow-browed Warbler  © Ed Betteridge

Chough  © Ed Betteridge

Sunday 13 October 2024

Calmer southerlies switched to a north-easterly as the day went on. The sea was rather productive with 3779 Razorbills (highest day count since 2018), three Manx Shearwaters, 72 Common Scoters, two Arctic Skuas, 16 Mediterraneans Gulls, 44 Common Gulls, 105 Black-headed Gulls, 394 Kittiwakes, a Guillemot and 203 Gannets south with a Great Northern Diver, a Pale-bellied Brent Goose and a Dark-bellied Brent Goose north. Elsewhere, a Yellow-browed Warbler was trapped and colour ringed at Nant, the Ring Ouzel in the Wetlands, a Grasshopper Warbler in the North End Gorse and a Whooper Swan over. 

Other birds of note were a Little Egret, three Merlins, three Water Rails, a Jack Snipe, a Snipe, two Whimbrels, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 26 Skylarks, a Swallow, a Grey Wagtail, 135 Meadow Pipits, seven White Wagtails, six Redwings, four Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs, nine Goldcrests, ten Rooks, 12 Ravens, 40 Starlings, 11 Goldfinches, 32 Chaffinches, 30 Siskins, four Lesser Redpolls and five Reed Buntings

Yellow-browed Warbler  © Ed Betteridge
Lesser Redpoll  © Ed Betteridge

Goldfinches  © Ed Betteridge

Saturday 12 October 2024

The day started off moderately calm, but the wind built from the West as the day went on bringing some light rain showers. Two female Merlins were at the North End, a Woodcock came into roost at Cristin at first light, a Yellow-browed Warbler was seen at Tŷ Pellaf, and two Jackdaws were a Nant along with two Starlings. The long-staying Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen again a Nant, and the Ring Ouzel was seen again in the Wetlands, and the ringed Reed Warbler was seen again in Cristin Withy.

Merlin © Kate Fox
Wader totals were 28 Curlews, a Whimbrel, ten Redshanks, and 28 Turnstones. Birds moving at sea along the West Coast included 60 Gannets, seven Common Scoters, five Mediterranean Gulls, three Common Gulls, and 566 Razorbills.

On the migrant passerine front, four Swallows, 19 Meadow Pipits, 28 Rock Pipits, a Grey Wagtail and two Pied Wagtails, 10 Dunnocks, 31 Robins, six Stonechats, eight Blackbirds, three Song Thrushes and nine Redwings, three Blackcaps, five Chiffchaff, sixteen Goldcrest and a new Firecrest which was ringed at Nant. Finch totals were eight Chaffinches, 66 Goldfinches, 25 Siskins, two Lesser Redpolls and a Linnet which was caught at Cristin. 

Friday 11 October 2024

A calm westerly with clear skies allowed for some good bird migration; a mobile Richard's Pipit was briefly on the South End with a Brambling and 'Flava' Wagtail over, a Ring Ouzel was in the Wetlands, a Yellow-browed Warbler and the ringed Reed Warbler were in Cristin Withy and off the West Coast 14 Mediterranean Gulls, 105 Black-headed Gulls, 20 Common Gulls and two Sandwich Terns went south during the morning. The day ended with three Whooper Swans in from the north-west before briefly landing on the sea before continuing south-east and a Short-eared Owl on the Narrows after dark. 

Other birds of note were 15 Common Scoters, three Buzzards, three Merlins, three Sparrowhawks, two Kestrel, a Water Rail, two Snipe, a Whimbrel, seven Guillemots, 434 Razorbills, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, five White Wagtails, 37 Robins, 14 Redwings, four Blackcaps, 30 Goldcrests, 13 Chiffchaffs, 38 Choughs, four Rooks, 47 Chaffinches, 27 Goldfinches, six Siskins, four Lesser Redpolls and a Reed Bunting

Buzzard © Ed Betteridge

Whooper Swans © Ed Betteridge

Linnet © Ed Betteridge

Thursday 10 October 2024

It was a chilly day with moderate northerly winds and light rain showers. A Merlin was seen on the South End, a Common Gull was in Henllwyn, and two Water Rails were recorded. Two Grey Herons and 18 Mallards were also seen, and 41 Choughs were counted on the island, with flock numbers fluctuating daily. Wader numbers totalled at 41 Oystercatchers, a Whimbrel, two Curlews, ten Redshanks, and 38 Turnstones, as well as a Snipe on the South End. 

Migrant passerine highlights came in the form of a Ring Ouzel on the Mountain near Cristin, and a Fiercest was seen at Nant. Other species included five Skylarks, 18 Swallows, 94 Meadow Pipits, two 'alba' wagtails, 32 Robins, four Wheatears, nine Blackbirds, four Song Thrushes, 44 Redwings, a Blackcap, three Chiffchaffs, four Goldcrests, a Spotted Flycatcher seen again at Cristin, six Starlings, a Chaffinch, four Goldfinches, 43 Siskins, 19 Linnets and three Reed Buntings

In other news, the was marked by the birth of the 70th Grey Seal pup of this record-breaking season! The team also joined a work party of Bardsey Island Trust staff and volunteers to coppice the Willow trees in the northern section of Cristin Withy to open the area up and lower the vegetation for mist netting. 

Grey Seal with pup © Ed Betteridge

Wednesday 9 October 2024

The winds turned to northerly with light rain showers. Three Redwings were new in at Cristin with the Spotted Flycatcher still and an adult Mediterranean Gull went south along the West Coast. Other birds was a Merlin, a Water Rail, three Snipe, a Whimbrel, a Skylark, seven Starlings, a Blackcap, four Chiffchaffs, four Goldcrests, seven Chaffinches and three Goldfinches.

The second Island record of Palpita vitrealis was in the moth trap © Ed Betteridge

A Ringed Plover was ringed during the evening © Ed Betteridge

Moorhen © Ed Betteridge

Tuesday 8 October 2024

The theme of the day was moderate easterly winds with light rain showers interspersed with sunny spells, before the wind picked up and shifted to the North. 

Two Great White Egrets were the highlight of the day, which flew south along the West Coast, an exciting sighting being only the twelfth island record, and the second this year!

Five Common Scoters, two Arctic Skuas, two Sandwich Terns, four Common Gulls and five Black-Headed Gulls flew south along the West Coast, and a Golden Plover went south over the South End. Wader counts totalled at eight Oystercatchers, a Ringed Plover, a Dunlin, a Snipe, a Whimbrel, 42 Curlews and 28 Turnstones, and an additional five Black-headed Gulls, two Grey Herons and a Little Egret were hanging around the Narrows. A Reed Bunting was heard again at Tŷ Pellaf, the Firecrest ringed on the 6th was retrapped, and the long-staying juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker was ringed at Cristin. 

There was another push of hirundines heading south, with 173 Swallows and 43 House Martins recorded. Other birds included eight Skylarks, 12 Blackbirds, three Song Thrushes, a Redwing, three Blackcaps, ten Chiffchaffs, seven Goldcrests, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Starling, 14 Chaffinches, and five Goldfinches, and a bumper count of nine Ravens

House Martin on the move! © Kate Fox
Great Spotted Woodpecker © Ed Betteridge

Monday 7 October 2024

Southerly winds eased slightly on recent days with sunny spells throughout the day bring an arrival of birds to the Island. Hirundines were moving for most of the day coming in from the north/west and heading south-east with 278 Swallows and 58 House Martins logged. A Lapwing flew along the West Coast with a Reed Warbler trapped at Cristin, Firecrests at Nant and Cristin Withy, a Reed Bunting at Ty Pellaf and an increase in Stonechats and Robins to 27 and 40 respectively. 

Other birds logged were two Teals, a Whimbrel, a Dunlin, ten Black-headed Gulls, a Lesser Black-backed Gull, two Common Gulls, a White Wagtail, a Grey Wagtail, 113 Meadow Pipits, a Skylark, a Wheatear, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, four Goldcrests, 51 Starlings, two Blackcaps, 12 Chiffchaffs, five Chaffinches, six Goldfinches and two Siskins.  

Reed Warbler © Ed Betteridge
Swallow © Ed Betteridge

Sunday 6 October 2024

 Strong south-easterlies continued with rain showers during the morning finally calming slightly during the evening. A Spotted Flycatcher was trapped at Cristin with a Firecrest trapped at Nant. The Great Spotted Woodpecker remained as did the Water Rail at Nant with a Goldfinch influx totalling 29 including a flock of 25 at Cristin with a Short-eared Owl seen on the South End after dark. Other migrants totalled three Swallows, two Rooks, two Blackcaps, four Goldcrests, three Chiffchaffs and two Chaffinches

Firecrest © Ed Betteridge

Saturday 5 October 2024

 The winds went south-east with strong gusts and rain showers meant for non-ideal migration weather. An early Woodcock was in the garden at Cristin, two Merlins hunted the South End, three Common Gulls and 11 Redshanks were around the Narrows, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two White Wagtails were in Solfach, a single Swallow went over Cristin, a Siskin went over Nant with the day ending with two Long-eared Owls hunting in the Lowlands. 

Merlin © Ed Betteridge
Grey Seal pup © Ed Betteridge

Friday 4 October 2024

Strong southerlies saw 201 Swallows and five House Martins battle it south-east with birds coming in-off all morning. Two Common Gulls and seven Black-headed Gulls went south along the West Coast with three Skylarks, eight Goldfinches, nine Starlings and a Grey Wagtail overhead. The Firecrest and Water Rail remained at Nant with two Whimbrels around the Coast and two Buzzards in the Wetlands. Other migrants totalled two Wheatears, three Chiffchaffs and six Goldcrests

Grey Heron © Ed Betteridge

Juvenile Woodpigeon © Ed Betteridge

Thursday 3 October 2024

Calmer easterlies with clear skies turned to a calm south-east during the afternoon. Out to sea four Wigeons, 25 Common Scoter, seven Mediterranean Gulls, 36 Black-headed Gulls, 26 Kittiwakes, 107 Common Gulls (highest day count since 2017), a Sandwich Tern and 363 Razorbill went south. Four Whooper Swans went high east over the South End with a Red-breasted Merganser also circling the South End. 

The first Yellow-browed Warbler of the autumn was at Nant with a Firecrest at Nant, Cristin and in the Withies. A Collared Dove was new in with the long staying Great Spotted Woodpecker still around. Overhead nine Swallows, 11 'Alba' Wagtails and 23 Skylarks passed. Three Siskins were at Cristin with Chaffinch totalling 11 including six trapped. Five Redwings were at Nant and Cristin with two Merlins around the Narrows and 51 Choughs on Solfach. Other notable totals were a Ringed Plover, a Snipe, a Water Rail, three Sparrowhawks, 25 Robins, seven Chiffchaffs, 20 Goldcrests, 14 Blackcaps and three Rooks. The day ended with a Long-eared Owl leaving roost at Cristin. 

Yellow-browed Warbler © Ed Betteridge
Whooper Swan  © Ed Betteridge
Red-breasted Merganser © Ewan Turner

Redwing  © Ed Betteridge

Firecrest  © Jess Stuart-smith

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Easterly winds saw a Firecrest at Nant, a Water Rail in Cristin Withy, 14 Swallows and two House Martins through, 17 Common Scoters south and a Jackdaw at Tŷ Pellaf. After dark nine Redwing call were heard, the first of the autumn.

Other birds of note were two Buzzards, a Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk, two Ringed Plovers, a Whimbrel, three Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Long-eared Owl, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, four White Wagtails, two Wheatears, two Blackcaps, four Goldcrests, three Chiffchaffs, 22 Carrion Crows, three Rooks, a Starling, four Goldfinches and two Siskins

Firecrest © Ewan Turner
Skylark © Ed Betteridge

Jackdaw at Tŷ Pellaf © Kate Fox

Two Woodpigeon chicks were ringed at Cristin © Ed Betteridge

Tuesday 1 October 2024

The month started on a better note to the end of September with a straight northerly winds. Out to sea, a Red-throated Diver, two Manx Shearwaters, 120 Common Scoters, an Arctic Skua, ten Mediterranean Gulls, five Common Gulls and nine Black-headed Gulls south. Overhead 58 Swallows, 18 Skylarks, a House Martin, a Golden Plover, two Snipe and a Grey Wagtail passed.

The highlight of the day was a Goosander in the Wetlands before moving to Henllwyn; this is only the seventh record and the first since 2016. Elsewhere a Merlin hunting the Narrows, a Starling on Solfach and a Reed Bunting at Cristin. Other notable migrant totals were a Bar-tailed Godwit, four Blackcaps, 24 Chiffchaffs, 16 Goldcrests and six Goldfinches. After dark two Long-eared Owls were seen hunting the Wetlands with a new male caught; a Short-eared Owl was also seen on the Narrows with a Skylark, a Purple Sandpiper, a Grey Heron, a Meadow Pipit, a Magpie and a Curlew trapped elsewhere.  

Goosander © Ed Betteridge

Four new pups today means we have now broken the record with 64 so far...© Ed Betteridge

Starling © Ed Betteridge
Long-eared Owl © Ed Betteridge
Skylark © Ed Betteridge

Monday 30 September 2024

Strong north-westerly winds to end the month mixed with heavy rain for much of the middle of the day saw very little arrivals. Migrants totalled three Sandwich Terns, ten Redshanks, nine Purple Sandpiper, four Dunlins, two White Wagtails, three Wheatears, seven Goldcrests, a Blackcap and six Chiffchaffs

Despite the storms, today we hit 60 pups for the year, this is an incredibly high count for September with the record being only 62! 

Large amount of sea foam in lots of the Seal pup's bays  © Ed Betteridge

An overly dark seal pup © Ed Betteridge
In other news a Ringed Plover ringed on Solfach on 4th September was seen in France on 27 September!