Monday, 28 March 2011

The wind was again light from the north, and clear skies made for another lovely day. Despite the absence of any scarcities, the island was again populated by many migrants; both moving through and stationary on the island. A couple Skylarks, five Swallows, thirty six Sand Martins, four White Wagtails, two Black Redstarts, forty seven Wheatears, a Blackcap, twenty four Chiffchaffs and five Willow Warblers were the highlights of migrants present. A Brambling and the male Hawfinch were feeding in Ty Pellaf garden, whilst seventeen Chaffinches, four Greenfinches, four Goldfinches, seventeen Linnets, three Siskins and six Lesser Redpolls were also seen. Four Ring Plovers, eleven Purple Sandpipers and two Whimbrels were the only waders of note present whilst a Redwing and a couple Song Thrushes were again with the resident Blackbirds of the island.

 Willow Warblers (top) and Chiffchaffs (bottom) were both present throughout the day.
 A few signs of nest-making and building have been observed recently, with a new Magpie nest appearing in the south end gorse, and Carrion Crows (above), Stonechats and Meadow Pipits all seen carrying nesting material.
 A Brambling often fed beside the Hawfinch on the feeders and bird table at Ty Pellaf.
Wheatear (upper) and Black Redstart (lower). Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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