Monday, 18 April 2011

Another good day for birds saw the wind swinging round to the east and the skies clearing. The highlight of the day came in the form of three Greenshanks that flew in over the south end and landed on Carreg yr Honwy with the other waders. Four Common Sandpipers were seen during the day, with other waders around amounting to: seven Ring Plovers, three Dunlins, seven Turnstones, a Snipe and eight Whimbrels; two Sandwich Terns were also later seen around the narrows. Migrant numbers remained steady: sixty two Swallows, 108 Sand Martins, two House Martins,  228 Meadow Pipits, a Tree Pipit, seventy three White Wagtails, seventy Wheatears, two Ring Ouzels, twenty Grasshopper Warblers, four Sedge Warblers, two Whitethroats,  twenty Blackcaps, twenty nine Willow Warblers, thirteen Chiffchaffs and a Reed Bunting were seen. 130 Goldfinches passed overhead in small flocks, with fifty four Lesser Redpolls and thirty four Linnets also moving through.

 Common Sandpipers finally arrived on the island today. (c) Ben Porter
 Whimbrels passage has started in the last few days. (c) Ben Porter
Four Black headed Gulls were in Solfach with the Herring Gulls. (c) Ben Porter

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