Thursday, 21 April 2011

The skies remained clear, with the full moon dominating the night sky; the wind was again in the east and remained calm throughout the day. Good numbers of common migrants were all over the island, with counts amounting to: thirty Swallows, forty three Sand Martins, fifty four Wheatears, ten Grasshopper Warblers, twenty four Sedge Warblers, nine Whitethroats, four Blackcaps, a Garden Warbler, the first Reed Warbler of the year, three Chiffchaffs and seventeen Willow Warblers. A scattering of waders were again around the narrows: nine Ring Plovers, seventeen Dunlins, four Common Sandpipers, nine Whimbrels and two Curlews were the totals. Raptors seen during the day included two Buzzards, a Merlin, a Sparrowhawk and a Peregrine Falcon, whilst a Fieldfare at Cristin and a House Sparrow at Ty Pellaf were also seen.

 Whitethroats (top) and Sedge Warblers (bottom) were present in most of the vegetated areas on the island. (c) Ben Porter
Swallow (c) Ben Porter
 Common Sandpipers were dotted around the coast. (c) Ben Porter
Two Sandwich Terns were off the west side. (c) Ben Porter

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