Thursday, 7 April 2011

The wind dropped during the night and some low cloud also moved in. The best bird of the day came in the form of a Marsh Harrier that was seen at the north end in the afternoon. Many migrants were all over the island in the morning, with a few first for the years also present: a Common Redstart at Ty Pellaf, two Yellow Wagtails at either ends of the island, a Grasshopper Warbler at nant and a Sedge Warbler in the wetlands were the most notable sightings of the day. Good numbers of other common migrants also moved through: 248 Sand Martins, 223 Swallows, five House Martins, three Tree Pipits, ten Wheatears, forty four Blackcaps, fourteen Chiffchaffs and 415 Willow Warblers were the totals. The male Hawfinch was again at Ty Pellaf, whilst a Greenfinch, fifteen Goldfinches, forty two Linnets and a Reed Bunting flew overhead. 

 A couple Yellow Wagtails were seen today.
 A smart male Common Redstart was by Ty Pellaf.
 Tree Pipit
Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers were all over the island. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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