Saturday, 21 May 2011

After a morning of brisk winds and patchy cloud, the weather finally caved in at midday, with heavy showers and strong winds from the south persisting for the rest of the day. The female Woodchat Shrike was seen briefly high above the Observatory in the morning, before turning up by the plantation, and spending the rest of the morning feeding on a fence in Nant Valley. A couple of Reed Warblers (one of which was trapped) at Cristin were new in, as were two Cuckoos; one escaping capture twice in Cristin garden. Ten Fulmars, 182 Manx Shearwaters, twenty two Gannets, five Cormorants, thirteen Shags, twenty seven Kittiwakes, twenty five Guillemots and thirty Razorbills passed by during the day, whilst the usual two Ring Plovers, three Whimbrels and a Curlew were around the narrows. Eighteen Spotted Flycatchers were present today, with sixteen at Nant alone; warblers seen included: ten Sedge Warblers, six Whitethroats, a Blackcap, a Chiffchaff and two Willow Warblers. With hirundine passage now largely past it’s peak, only forty two Swallows (most being birds nesting around the island’s buildings) and three House Martins were seen today.

 The Woodchat Shrike favoured the fence running down Nant Valley today; feeding quite happily on bumble bees and other insects on the grass. (c) Ben Porter

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