Saturday, 7 May 2011

The winds remained light from the south, and a few sparse showers blew through during the day. The Golden Oriole was seen several times on the island; a couple of times in Cristin garden and once in Cristin Withie. Three Common Sandpipers were around the narrows in the morning, whilst other species seen here included: three Ring Plovers, two Dunlins, two Turnstones, thirty five Whimbrels and six Curlews. A Pied Flycatcher at nant, two Lesser Whitethroats, three Tree Pipits and a couple of Cuckoos were the highlights of migrants seen. 

 Chiffchaff (c) Steve Stansfield
 Sedge Warbler (c) Steve Stansfield 
Wheatear (c) Steve Stansfield
 Cuckoo. (c) Ben Porter
 Tree Pipit. (c) Ben Porter
Swallows continue to move through. (c) Ben Porter

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