Saturday, 3 December 2011

1st-3rd December

December started on a high note on the 1st, with the juvenile Sabine’s Gull and the Pallas’s Warbler both back in their usual positions, and both breaking the latest records for these species. A juvenile Pomarine Skua off the narrows in the morning also broke the latest island record, whilst a Great Northern Diver and a Common Scoter also passed by. A small arrival of thrushes overnight on the 2nd saw three Redwings and four Song Thrushes in the island’s gardens, whilst 600 Starlings passing over land was a large increase to previous days. A Snow/Lapland Bunting called once or twice above Ty Pellaf before disappearing, and the Sabine’s Gull was present on the narrows briefly in the morning. A very late Balearic Shearwater glided past the West Coast in the morning of the 3rd, setting a new latest record for this species; a Red-throated Diver and a Common Scoter also flew South. A Little Egret found in Henllwyn midday was only the third record for the year, and the bird spent most of the early afternoon stalking fish around the edge of Henllwyn. A Short-eared Owl was flushed from the wetlands near Ty Pellaf and a Barn Owl was seen near Ty Pellaf during the night. The only raptors seen during this period were a Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk and a Merlin; a Chiffchaff and a Blackcap were seen at Nant on the 1st and 2nd respectively. 

 The Pallas's Warbler was trapped and ringed at Cristin on the 1st
 Little Egret

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