Saturday, 19 May 2012

It was another relatively calm day with a scattering of common migrants, although there were fewer notable sightings. Singles of Short-eared Owl, Cuckoo and Yellow Wagtail were recorded in the morning, whilst the pair of Turtle Doves were once again at the North end. A smaller number of 30 Spotted Flycatchers were scattered around with 16 Sedge Warblers, 23 Whitethroats, a Garden Warbler, 14 Chiffchaffs and  two Goldcrests, whilst over 120 Redpolls flew overhead with 62 Goldfinches.

 The greenland race of Wheatear (O.o. leuccorhoa) undertake a much longer migration than the nominate race, travelling from sub-Saharan Africa to their Arctic breeding grounds. Birds that breed in Alaska travel almost 15,000 miles each way, and cross Siberia and the Arabian desert at around 290km a day! The bird above is a British-race bird gathering nesting material on the North end
 Garden Warbler
 The Shears. A Diamond-back Moth was also seen during the day

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