Sunday, 6 May 2012

The most noteworthy movement of birds today comprised of a minimum of 200 Wheatears (a single leucistic bird was amongst them) and 715 Swallows seen moving in both southerly (presumably heading to Ireland) and northerly directions; 11 Sand Martins and seven House Martins were also seen with them. Two Tree Pipits, a singing male Yellow Wagtail and the male Snow Bunting were seen inland, whilst two Grasshopper Warblers, seven Sedge Warblers and 16 Whitethroats were pick of the warblers.

A rather educational Wheatear was part of another 200+ count of mostly greenland birds on the island today
There were some proper stunners amongst the males
The male Snow Bunting is still on the south end

1 comment:

  1. Wow - bet first views of that Wheatear got the heart racing!!!
