Sunday, 19 August 2012

A brilliant day of passage saw an excellent array of species passing through, although the obvious highlight of the day was two juvenile Dotterels which were found on the mountain top in the morning. Overhead passage in the morning included four Golden Plovers, a Snipe, two Black-tailed Godwits, a Greenshank, two Green Sandpipers, four Common Sandpipers, a Tree Pipit, two Grey Wagtails and 23 Sand Martins. Out to sea, 22 Little Gulls, eight Sandwich Terns and four Common Terns passed by, whilst 63 Willow Warblers were in the island’s gardens and withies along with two Spotted and Pied Flycatchers. The first Water Rail for some time was also seen in Ty-Pellaf Withy.

 Juvenile Dotterels- the first since May 2008, and the 24th record for Bardsey
A Double Kidney (top) was trapped at the North end, which is the first record of this species for the island. Migrant moths were in evidence today too, with six Rush Veneers (bottom) and a Pearly Underwing seen

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