Monday, 25 March 2013

Although the howling Easterly gales continued, it was a touch better on the bird front today. The highlight of the morning was the year's first Sandwich Tern which was seen feeding in Solfach in the morning. Two Red-throated Divers were also seen off the West Side in the morning, whilst two Dunlins were present in Henllwyn. Two Buzzards had arrived and circled the mountain during the day, whilst a Hooded Crow was seen briefly in the morning near the Limekiln.
Nine Chiffchaffs sheltered in the Plantation with at least 12 Goldcrests, although unfortunately there was still no sign of the overwintering Firecrest. Four Wheatears were seen around the coast with a single Stonechat, and only 50 Meadow Pipits were present in small flocks.

The Sandwich Tern that was seen fishing in Solfach is a whole day earlier than the previous earliest ever record (set in 2008)
 One of the Buzzards had very abraded primary and tail feathers
Wheatears continue to feed around the coast in very low numbers

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