Thursday 18 July 2013

A bright sunny day with sweltering temperatures saw a few more oddities reaching the island, although generally it was very slow on the bird font. A Greater Spotted Woodpecker put in an appearance at Nant in the early hours, where a single Crossbill was also seen. A total of four Swifts passed overhead, whilst four Willow Warblers were present in the vegetated areas.

A small number of waders around the Narrows included three Whimbrels, a Common Sandpiper, two Dunlins and a Bar-tailed Godwit.

 Juvenile Wheatears
 Juvenile Pied Wagtail
 The first Common Wainscot of the year was trapped near Carreg Reed Bed.
Three Eudonia pallida trapped near Carreg Reed Bed were a new species for the island.

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