This afternoon I received an email from Andy Musgrove at the BTO HQ in Thetford.
"Thanks to sterling efforts from my colleague Justin, I can now announce that the Bardsey data are fully incorporated into BirdTrack! And they look mighty impressive. Approximately 700,000 records from 15,000 complete lists means that Bardsey alone now represents about 3% of the BirdTrack database...
...Finally, another fun statistic is that loading these records has trebled the number of Chough records in the BirdTrack database in one go! 66% of Chough records are now from the Bardsey Obs dataset."
I was moved!!! Years of work and head scratching to get the data to the BTO and I am now proud to announce that BBFO has become the first Observatory to have ALL its census data and ALL its ringing data digitised and logged at BTO HQ on their systems, making our data sets accessible and usable for conservation purposes on a national scale.
I responded immediately to Andy with this email:
"Andy that is FANTASTIC.
It has been a rather long, drawn out job getting all those records digitised as well as at times being tearful, stressful, and exhausting.
The list of people involved is huge, however, Julia Davies (my Assistant in 2001 and 2002) deserves special thanks as she was the one who originally digitised most of the data, and also Mike Archer and his team of helpers Dale Brown, Daphne Tyne, Joan James, Ruth Edwards and Jude were the main workers at the data checking 'coal face'.
Can I on behalf of the Trustees of BBFO and myself as Warden thank all involved at the BTO and all you guys who sat entering and checking data for such lengthy periods in sometimes uncomfortable conditions in the Obs!!
A tremendous effort all round to get all our ringing data onto IPMR (including all retraps and recoveries!) and now all our Census data onto BirdTrack.
The champagne will be popping tonight on Bardsey!!
And our next task is to get all the other Observatories to do the same!!!
All the very Best
Andy Further responded:
"Thanks Steve
I would indeed second your thanks and congratulations to all the volunteers who did the real hard work of entering and checking data. And those who collected in the first place of course (although that's generally a bit more fun!) Well done all, enjoy your champagne!
Best wishes
Andy Musgrove
Well that is a FANTASTIC result, some 15 years in the making and we now have our data all done and dusted. Mike Archer was presented with a gift from the BBRO Trustees in October when he was on the island for his work in the co-ordination of the mammoth task it has been over the past 15 years.
Head of Monitoring, British Trust for Ornithology
Address: BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, UK, IP24 2PU
When Mike Archer and Dale Brown left the island on October 12th it brought to a close a remarkable period in the recent history of the Observatory. Mike has spent the past 15 years driving forward the digitisation of the bird log and ringing data. This has been a herculean effort both in his time and the amount of money spent and BBFO owe him and his band of helpers a huge debt of gratitude. Thanks to their efforts Bardsey has become the first Observatory to be able to submit all its archive log and ringing data to the BTO - a remarkable feat!
As a thank you for all his efforts, Mike was given a small thank you from the Trustees.
Pete Howlett
Andy did some very quick bits with the Bardsey data and had a look at the difference between Sand Martin records in the 1960s (top chart) and the 2000s (bottom). We can see instantly that there are more Sand Martin Records in March and April in the 200s than there were in the 1960s, prbably due to climatic change.
We are also able to see the number of species recorded per year on bards, as easily as clicking a few buttons on the mouse!!
So having seen the work that has been done on Bardsey, it is time for everyone to get involved. Enter your current sightings and then get out your old notebooks from the loft and get them digitised too. If you are interested in being part of the big picture read on...
The idea behind
BirdTrack is that if you have been out birdwatching anywhere in Britain and
Ireland, or simply watching birds in your garden, records of the birds you have
seen (or indeed have not seen) can be useful data. Thus the scheme is
year-round, and ongoing, and anyone with an interest in birds can contribute.
Important results produced by BirdTrack include mapping migration (arrivals and
departures) timings and monitoring scarce birds. We know very little about the
timing of arrival and departure of winter visitors and this is just one area in
which BirdTrack will provide useful information. There are also many scarce
birds where we would like to know much more about their populations.
About BirdTrack (copied from the BirdTrack web site (c) BTO)
BirdTrack is an exciting project, through a partnership between the BTO, the RSPB, Birdwatch Ireland, the Scottish Ornithologists' Club and the Welsh Ornithological Society, that looks at migration movements and distributions of birds throughout Britain and Ireland. BirdTrack provides facilities for observers to store and manage their own personal records as well as using these to support species conservation at local, regional, national and international scales.
Register now to get started, or read on for
more information...
The success of
BirdTrack relies on your birdwatching lists. As a contributor you make a note
of the birds you see, either out birdwatching or from the office or garden for
example, and enter your daily observations on a simple-to-use web page. We need
to gather a large number of lists at all times of the year from throughout
Britain and Ireland. We prefer complete lists of birds (all
species seen and heard) because the proportion of lists with a given species
provides a good measure of frequency of occurrence that can be used for
population monitoring. Incomplete lists and casual records can also be entered
because they too build our understanding of populations, distributions and
The local and
national results are available on the website for everyone to look at - you
don’t have to be a BirdTrack recorder. Every night the BTO BirdTrack computer
will summarise that day's records and produce up-to-date maps and graphs
showing the latest in migration, movements and distribution. These include
animated maps showing the arrival and departure of migrants and the seasonal
movements of birds. For scarce species, such as Hawfinch, Lesser Spotted
Woodpecker, Woodcock and Water Rail, we will be building up a picture of their
distribution throughout the year. You can also view and analyse your own
records through specially designed features.
We hope that
birdwatchers of all abilities will take part in BirdTrack. By encouraging large
numbers of volunteers to join in the project we will be able to gather a large
amount of unique and fascinating information.
We continue to
develop BirdTrack in order to provide extra facilities for birdwatchers to
maintain and analyse their own records, and for county societies to be able to
do this for records within their areas. With your permission, all of your
records will automatically be forwarded to the relevant county recorder.
Recording Migration Patterns
BirdTrack developed
from Migration Watch, which ran in the springs of 2002-2004, and incorporates
all of the Migration Watch data. Migration Watch was able to record the timing
of arrivals and pattern of migratory spread of summer visitors across Britain
& Ireland. This was a huge achievement and the power of the Internet
made it possible to produce up-to-date daily results. BirdTrack expanded on
this to provide a year-round recording package so that we can also study autumn
migration (a much bigger challenge) and other movements and distributions. To
find out more, read a fascinating article about how BirdTrack data is helping us to
understand the effects of climate change on migration timing.
As with Migration
Watch we are interested in not just when the first birds arrive or the last
ones depart, but we also want to know when the bulk of the population has
arrived or departed (whether summer or winter visitors). We can also get
interesting information about passage migrants, such as inland wader movements.
We can work this out by looking at the proportion of volunteers that have
recorded a particular species on a given day.
By using the lists
and counts of species submitted by volunteers we can also investigate how birds
filter through the country; for example, do they head up the centre of the
country or do they disperse west or east in spring time?
Tracking the Conservation Status of Scarce Species
An important aspect
of BirdTrack is to provide supplementary information on some of
the scarcer species in Britain and Ireland. Many species are monitored
well by existing surveys such as the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey and by
periodical surveys such as Seabird
2000 and the Nightjar survey. Others are difficult to
survey well due to the habitats they occupy, their low breeding density and
their secretive nature.
There is a range of
species for which birdwatchers could easily and usefully contribute
information. We hope to build up an annual picture of their distribution in
Britain and Ireland, which would provide an excellent source of information
between national Atlas projects. For species such as Hawfinch, Lesser Spotted
Woodpecker and Woodcock we would like to receive records from throughout the
year, whilst some other species are more common but scarce in the breeding
season, e.g. Pochard and Dunlin, and so those records are particularly
Read more
about taking part in BirdTrack, or just jump in
and register to get started.
BirdTrack is organised by the BTO for the BTO, RSPB, BirdWatch Ireland, SOC and WOS.
© British Trust for Ornithology, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, Tel: +44 (0)1842 750050
Email: (Britain) / (Ireland)
Registered Charity Number 216652 (England & Wales), SC039193 (Scotland).
© British Trust for Ornithology, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, Tel: +44 (0)1842 750050
Email: (Britain) / (Ireland)
Registered Charity Number 216652 (England & Wales), SC039193 (Scotland).
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