Monday, 13 January 2014

Autumn round-up

Autumn was pretty fantastic on Bardsey , with some great birds....
Breeding birds fledged good numbers of young
July began with a flourish of 'scarce' migrants with a few Great-spotted Woodpeckers
Red Kites
and Crossbills 
A Vestal was trapped
Turnstones began to come back
With a Black-tailed Godwit in Henllwyn
The first Grasshopper Warblers began to arrive
as did Mediterranean Gulls
The first Purple Sands come home for winter
With a few Sanderling moving too
And the first Willow Warbler arrived


The first Migrant Hawker of the year turned up
Storm Petrels were trapped and ringed then weighed and measured...
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Good numbers of Willow Warblers were scattered around - even on the beaches!
and Painted Lady
A fab male Blue Emperor was trapped in the new Heligoland trap
The New heligoland trap
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a good number of shearwater chicks were being trapped as part of the monitoring projects.
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Pied Flycatchers began to move
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With a few Whinchats
Spotted Flycatchers
and Chciffchaffs arrive
and Osprey flew over
and Greenland Wheatears moved in
Lots of swallows were on the move
and an early GND
with stong winds producing Sooty Shearwaters 
and the island's 2nd Fea's Petrel (no picture)
Arctic Skuas
abd Long-tailed Skuas
first calm day for a while and a Barn Owl was found
whilst observers were looking at a Melodious Warbler
and a Common Rosefinch!!!!!
The first Yellow-browed Warbler was found at Nant
whilst Observers were watching a Wryneck
that was in the same bush as this Red-breasted Flycatcher!!!!!
and a Turtle Dove was nearby
with a Treecreeper at Nant.
This rather smart Siberian Stonechat was found towards the end of the month
with Whinchats (centre) and Stonechat (left) nearby
A firecrest or two were seen
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and six of the 21 Yellow-browed Warblers were trapped
one of the five Red-breasted Flycatchers was trapped
an adult Sabine's Gull was seen
more Wrynecks arrived
and Yellow-broweds continued to arrive
Geese started to move, with four Barnacles 
and then This Pied Wheatear - a new bird for the island
a Red-throated Diver was close in shore
with more Firecrests
and Stonechats building in number
More wind - Med Gulls
and Gannets
Lapland buntings were never numerous
Hooded Crow was almost resident
Baby Storm Petrel was attracted tot he lighthouse
and a Water Pipit was found on the beach
amongst the local Rock Pipits
and Scandinavian Littoralis Rock Pipits 
Thousands of Sarlings appeared
and this Siberian Chiffchaff
Water Pipit stayed to December
Choughs on the beach were trapped
and this Swallow was seen on 13 DECEMBER !!!

and then BBFO data gets entered on to the modern world


Bardsey gets all census data into BirdTrack

This afternoon I received an email from Andy Musgrove at the BTO HQ in Thetford.

"Thanks to sterling efforts from my colleague Justin, I can now announce that the Bardsey data are fully incorporated into BirdTrack! And they look mighty impressive. Approximately 700,000 records from 15,000 complete lists means that Bardsey alone now represents about 3% of the BirdTrack database...

...Finally, another fun statistic is that loading these records has trebled the number of Chough records in the BirdTrack database in one go! 66% of Chough records are now from the Bardsey Obs dataset."

I was moved!!! Years of work and head scratching to get the data to the BTO and I am now proud to announce that BBFO has become the first Observatory to have ALL its census data and ALL its ringing data digitised and logged at BTO HQ on their systems, making our data sets accessible and usable for conservation purposes on a national scale.

I responded immediately to Andy with this email:

"Andy that is FANTASTIC.

It has been a rather long, drawn out job getting all those records digitised as well as at times being tearful, stressful, and exhausting.

The list of people involved is huge, however, Julia Davies (my Assistant in 2001 and 2002) deserves special thanks as she was the one who originally digitised most of the data, and also Mike Archer and his team of helpers Dale Brown, Daphne Tyne, Joan James, Ruth Edwards and Jude were the main workers at the data checking 'coal face'.

Can I on behalf of the Trustees of BBFO and myself as Warden thank all involved at the BTO and all you guys who sat entering and checking data for such lengthy periods in sometimes uncomfortable conditions in the Obs!!

A tremendous effort all round to get all our ringing data onto IPMR (including all retraps and recoveries!) and now all our Census data onto BirdTrack.

The champagne will be popping tonight on Bardsey!!

Rough seas and Strong winds saw the tear come to an end
and good auk passage

And so ends another year. Thanks to all who contributed in making BBFO's 60th year its most successful yet.

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