Saturday, 19 April 2014

It was another productive day’s birding, with a change in the wind direction to the east giving a more promising feel to the day. By far the highlight of the day was a fantastic White Stork; first seen over the Lighthouse being harassed by a dozen Oystercatchers at midday, the bird then battled eastwards into the freshening wind. Eventually, the bird flew high and east over the mountain top, in the direction of the Lleyn Peninsula. This is just the second White Stork to be seen on Bardsey, the last being in 1995. This particular bird could well be the same individual reported over both Caernarfon and South Stack two days ago.

In other news, a good crop of 74 Wheatears was scattered around the island; 19 White Wagtails, a Tree Pipit, ten Whimbrels and a Common Sandpipers were also seen around the coast, whilst 74 Swallows, 21 Sand Martins and four House Martins sped northward throughout the day. Inland, two Whitethroats were seen in the withies and wetlands, whilst two Grasshopper Warblers, two Sedge Warblers, 37 Willow Warblers, 14 Chiffchaffs and 13 Blackcaps were in similar localities. Elsewhere, the Turtle Dove was again present at the North End, showing very well on the track near Plas mid-morning, and the first Yellow Wagtail of the year arrived into the field near Ty Pellaf late afternon.

The superb White Stork, just the second for Bardsey. The first record was on 2nd May 1995. There were reports of a single White Stork over Caernarfon and South Stack two days ago
 The very smart Yellow Wagtail, which arrived on the island late in the afternoon. The bird spent the rest of the day feeding amongst the sheep near Ty Pellaf
As well as the Turtle Dove, which remained between Plad and Nant for most of the day, this Collared Dove was found hiding away in Ty Pellaf garden 
There were some stunning Greenland-race Wheatears around

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