Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Light rain during the night turned into rather persistent and heavy downpours by the early morning, before finally clearing off around midday. Despite the damp conditions in the early hours, a total of 151 Swallows were logged as they headed Southward, along with a single House Martin and a Tree Pipit. The Iceland Gull was seen around the South Tip early on, and a count of 24 Whimbrels around the South End and The Narrows was the second highest of the year so far. In terms of warblers, a single Grasshopper Warbler, two Sedge Warblers and seven Whitethroats were amongst some 70 phylloscopus warblers. In addition to this, two Hooded Crows were present on the West side, a Common Redpoll was trapped at the observatory, and the Turtle Dove was again seen around Ty Pellaf.

A rather bedraggled Whitethroat- seven were recorded today, which is the highest day total so far this year 
There were plenty more damp and soggy-looking warblers around- this particular bird was a bit of a puzzle at first sight, although it seems to be just a very wet female Blackcap! 
Wheatear (a breeding bird). There was an additional total of 57 Greenland-race birds moving though the island today 
Barn Swallows
This very smart Blossom Underwing was taken from the Nant Withy heath trap in the morning, along with 15 over moths. This species has been recorded just once before on Bardsey: two individuals taken from a moth trap in Cristin Withy on 13 April 2010. This species is thought to be an immigrant to the UK, which would certainly fit the situation here!


  1. That wet headed bird not another Whitethroat? Seems to have brown in wing, grey back of head, warm buff on flanks and breast and paler outer tail feathers. Would have thought a Blackcap would be much greyer all over.

  2. Hi Steve- I don't believe the damp bird was a Whitethroat: there was no white in any of its outer TF, and the head/facial pattern was also incorrect. In the field, it looked like either a Garden Warbler or a Blackcap, and a hint of chestnut in the crown would suggest a female Blackcap.
