A drop in the wind overnight allowed a good movement of migrants to take place, and so resume spring migration on terra firma. The morning census of the island revealed a widespread arrival of passerine migrants, particularly warblers, in the vegetated areas. Some particular highlights of the day included excellent numbers of Garden Warblers, with at least nine individuals scattered around; a flava Wagtail seen briefly in the Carreg Wetlands looked good for a Blue-headed Wagtail, although closer inspection drew a blank when the bird flew southward minutes later; and the year's first Great Skua was seen on the sea near Carreg Yr Honwy.
The numbers of more common avian migrants comprised 31 Sedge Warblers, eight Whitethroats, four Blackcaps, 11 Chiffchaffs, 39 Willow Warblers and eight Spotted Flycatchers. There was a sustained passage of hirundines over the island throughout the day, amounting to 187 Swallows, 11 House Martins and four Sand Martins by the late afternoon.
Good numbers of this borin warbler (or rather, Sylvia borin) were recorded today, with nine birds scattered around and a single trapped at Nant. Ironically, the meaning of this specie's second scientific name is in fact Genovese (Italian) for a type of warbler, as opposed to a fitting description of its plumage...
Swallows resumed their southward passage over the island today, reaching triple figure counts by the end of the day
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