A Little Egret graced The Narrows in the early hours, which is the second record of the year, but is only the third sighting in two years. A single Tree Pipit and two Garden Warblers were the only slightly different additions to the usual selection of common migrants: one Grasshopper Warbler, 16 Sedge Warblers, seven Whitethroats, three Blackcaps and 13 Spotted Flycatchers were logged, along with a moderate spattering of eight Chiffchaffs and 12 Willow Warblers.
In terms of non-passerines, a dark-phase Arctic Skua was seen off the South End, and some reasonable numbers of waders amounted to 13 Purple Sandpipers, three Dunlins, 13 Whimbrels and eight Turnstones.
In other news, one, or possibly two, Wall Brown butterflies were found near Plas in the morning, which are the first on the island for a couple of years!
Good numbers of Spotted Flycatchers were seen on the island again today, but not quite as many as yesterday . Muscicapa striata is this specie's quite fitting scientific name; musca is Latin for 'a fly', and capere means 'to seize'. Spotted Flycatchers ringed in the UK have been re-trapped as far afield as Congo, South Africa, Angola and Ghana. You can check out the recovery sheet here
A large number of Meadow Pipits are currently incubating in their concealed nests around the island
Three pairs of the island's breeding Stonechats have managed to fledge three juveniles each
Green-veined White

Wall Brown
This micro moth was extracted from the Cristin Robinson trap in the morning, and appears to be of the species Cochylis dubitana, although it is a rather pale specimen. The only previous records of this species on Bardsey are of single daytime records on 3 and 6 June 2012. Foodplants such as Hawkweeds and Ragworts are present on Bardsey, as opposed to the foodplants of this species' similar counterpart
Today's Cochylis dubitana (lower), to compare with a specimen found in June 2012 (upper). Although today's individual appears much paler, Cochylis hybridella should show a much paler thorax
These rather stunning micro moths are appearing all over the island at the moment: Esperia sulphurella
Hi Ben Love the second shot, all the Butterflies and Moths