Saturday, 15 October 2016

A Corncrake discovered in the lowlands sneaking amongst a gorse and bramble patch was the clear highlight of the day in which there weren't masses of new migrants but interesting sightings throughout the day kept autumn ticking over. A couple of Yellow-browed Warblers remained in the Withies, one of them baring a ring and presumably the bird caught there in prior days.

A small arrival of Blackcaps were seemingly fresh in as ten were recorded spread around the island, accompanying them were 17 Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, 46 Goldcrests and a Firecrest. A noisy and restless pair of Coal Tits, seemingly unringed and hence different from the individuals caught the day before, buzzed around Nant and the Plantation during the morning whilst small numbers of finches were recorded passing overhead, 17 Chaffinches, two Siskins, 12 Goldfinches, 15 Linnets and a Lesser Redpoll being the final totals. Thrushes were present in small numbers with Blackbirds being the most numerous, 18 seen, a Ring Ouzel sheltering in the Withies, nine Song Thrushes and 16 Redwings the only other sightings. Additional birds included a Skylark, 10 Stonechats, two Wheatears and three Water Rails resided.

Jack Snipes are notoriously elusive and difficult to accurately monitor due to their nature, most of the time only bursting from cover at the last second when the observer is sometimes just feet away, two were flushed from the edges of Pwll Cain, the largest of the fresh water ponds in the centre of the island. A pair of Common Snipes were also present there and towards the Narrows and the South End two Purple Sandpipers rested on the low tide rocks offshore, a Dunlin was on Solfach and a Whimbrel, 32 Curlews, two Redshanks and 14 Turnstones were also logged.

Offshore three Wigeon, a Teal, 23 Mallards and a Common Scoter were the only wildfowl recorded. Only a couple of seabird species were seen passing the island during the day, those included 17 Gannets and 185 Razorbills and small numbers of gulls were present both moving through and residing on the island, two adult Mediterranean Gulls, singles of Black-headed Gull and Common Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 27 Herring Gulls, two Greater Black-backed Gulls and 116 Kittiwakes.

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