We managed to welcome our new set of guests with a beautifully sunny day that showed off Bardsey in all its glory. Swallows zipped through the fields (most heading north) and the sun's warmth enticed several Green-veined Whites and Peacock butterflies onto the wing. Birds logged today included a Fulmar, 15 Manx Shearwaters, four Gannets (including a bird that spent most of the day fishing off the west coast), a Sparrowhawk, a Buzzard, a Kestrel, six Ringed Plovers, two Dunlins, five Common Sandpipers, a Turnstone, three Collared Doves, a Little Owl, two Sand Martins, 79 Swallows, two Wheatears, a Sedge Warbler, four Blackcaps, nine Chiffchaffs, 23 Willow Warblers, three Goldcrests, a Rook, three Chaffinches, 25 Goldfinches, 75 Linnets and five Lesser Redpolls.
There are always Grey Seals in the bays. These were having a late afternoon nap!
The Shelduck are beginning to hold territory and looking for nest sites.
Whimbrels are passing through in small numbers at the moment - Bardsey is one of very few places in the UK where Whimbrel is present throughout the year.
Wheatears are also beginning to take up territories, using anything they can to perch up high!
Our new head of security.
Linnets have been in short supply so far this year with only small counts noted.
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