Tuesday, 4 September 2018

It was another day of gusty Northerly winds, with a hint of Easterly occasionally. There was a sense of anticipation which was unmistakable as it floated over the island, but failed to produce “the big one”. Instead, we were satisfied by a trickle of both common and uncommon migrants today.

A group of Teal were seen on a new pond in the Wetlands which brought the day total to nine birds. The Curlew flock numbered 32 birds, lingering around the Narrows or Carreg yr Honwy, the only other notable wader today was a Greenshank seen coming in off, of the South End. Five Sandwich Terns and two Mediterranean Gulls was the best of a poor selection out to sea today. However, inland was slightly more exciting today. The Great Spotted Woodpecker made another appearance, a juvenile bird presumably discovering the island after a post breeding season dispersal of young from the mainland. Overhead some 239 Swallows were recorded as well as 25 House Martins, one Tree Pipit, one 'Flava' Wagtail and 13 Grey Wagtails. The highlights from the trees, bushes and shrubs were two Redstarts, six Whinchats, one Sedge Warbler, two Reed Warblers, one Whitethroat, one Garden Warbler, one Blackcap, two Chiffchaffs, 22 Willow Warblers, five Goldcrests, six Spotted Flycatchers and two Pied Flycatchers. A fair selection today, lacking only a Wryneck or Hippolais Warbler.

Two of today's Flycatchers a Spotted Flycatcher and a Pied Flycatcher a nice early autumn treat

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