Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Another calm day with a wind coming from the north west skimming across the island. An overcast and slightly damp morning had obviously grounded a few new migrants which made for a little more excitement than usual.

The highlight involved the first two Whooper Swans of the year which flew over the island and past the North West Fields giving good flight views. Other wildfowl involved just one Teal. Today the Water Rail was fortunate enough to be joined by a second bird, whilst on the Narrows a Bar-tailed Godwit, four Whimbrels, 29 Curlews, seven Redshanks and 19 Turnstones were the main birds of interest. Another Mediterranean Gull passed by obviously marking the start to this year’s passage. Five Skylarks a Swallow, 52 Meadow Pipits, four Grey Wagtails and a Siskin were the results of today’s vismig.

Instead, the interest was in the grounded migrants, no scarcities saw their way onto the year list today, but a small selection of passerines was a pleasant change. Dunnocks increased again to 23 individuals showing some clear passage of this largely sedentary species whilst 37 Robins, seven Stonechats, two Wheatears, one Ring Ouzel and one Song Thrush made up thrush and chat passage. Seven Blackcaps and 16 Chiffchaffs were noted as well. After what has frankly been an appalling year for Goldcrests thus far, a respectable 53 were logged today, hopefully just the beginning.

The remains of a Great Spotted Woodpecker, the latest bird to fall victim to the island Peregrine

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