Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The wind was howling from the south-west again today giving a real chill to the air at times. The rain held off again for the most part with only a few scattered showers.

Seawatching was much quieter today and although it was given a good go, highlights included 14 Arctic Terns, 807 Kittiwakes a single Great Skua, two Arctic Skuas, six Common Scoter and a Bar-tailed Godwit.

After mid-day the team heading down to Solfach to set up the portable Heligoland trap on the beach, mainly to catch Rock Pipits. This was fairly successful with three birds being caught in the Heligoland. Another two were caught in the spring traps that were intended for the Turnstones, but all five left sporting brand new white darvic rings that will hopefully provide information on the moult of these birds.

There were plenty of waders on the beach too with the first juvenile Knot in amongst 31 Turnstones, two Ringed Plovers and five each of Sanderling and Dunlin.

Other birds of note included a single Spotted Flycatcher still, 21 Pied Wagtails, two Tree Pipits, eight Wheatear, 14 Stonechats, and a single Snipe.

Rock Pipit AAC - keep an eye out

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