Sunday, 18 August 2019

Today was another nice day especially in the sheltered areas. The sun was out but yet again a stiff breeze from the west kept things cool and kept the sea passage going.

The highlight of the day was a walk around the narrows at high tide, with plenty of waders around the shoreline both roosting on the rocks and feeding in amongst the seaweed that has been thrown onto the beach in the last week. Turnstones were again the most numerous with a count of 60 including lots of juveniles! In with them, four Purple Sandpipers were camouflaged against the dark rocks, two each of Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Sanderling were in the seaweed, seven Redshank were loafing and a mobile Common Sandpiper could be heard regularly. The Curlew flock was still around with 54 birds counted today, Whimbrels were down to 3 and other than waders there was 16 Rock Pipits, two Wheatears, five Black-headed Gulls, ten Sandwich Terns moved through, and 15 Pied Wagtails were catching flies in-between the waders.

The seawatching was a little slower than it has been but numbers from a mornings watch included 485 Manx Shearwaters, 156 Gannets, 14 Fulmars, four Common Scoter, singles of Great Skua, Mediterranean Gull, and Common Gull, 457 Kittiwakes, seven Sandwich Terns, 11 Arctic Terns and two Ringed Plovers.

One of the Black-headed Gulls giving good views as it fed in an area of churned up water

Turnstones flying past with a Purple Sandpiper

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