Saturday 27 June 2020

The weather was a bit all over the place today, sunny one minute and heavy rain the next. The wind was coming from the south-west, gusting at 30mph.

View from the South End

A walk to South End in the morning was quite eventful, five Curlews were seen, which is the highest number recorded since mid-April... Autumn is upon us...! Other waders include one Redshank and three Lapwings which would have been nice enough on their own, but they were overshadowed by a male Ruff (with a ruff!), which was first seen flying around the South End with the Lapwings. It then hung around on the west coast of the South End with the Lapwings before taking off south and was lost over the hill. Brilliant stuff, a scarce passage migrant, and to see one in such breeding finery is hard to beat.

Practical jobs took place in afternoon, starting with (finally) finishing the burrow census, it was only the walls around the Obs that needed doing, which came to a total of two responses. George was busy getting the Common sorted for the arrival of guests which could be coming in about a month. After the burrow checks, Sam started cutting back the net rides in the garden, ready for what will hopefully be a migrant-filled autumn.

In the evening we all gathered to have our Saturday night curry, this evening Dianne Charles joined us with her son, Patrick. We did a quiz and ate far too much, so all pretty standard, really.

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