It started to feel colder today with a steady wind blowing from the Northwest. Even the birds gave a wintery feel with a Fieldfare at Nant and yesterdays 'Siberian' Chiffchaff seen and heard in the Observatory garden. Numbers of other warblers were low with five Sedge Warblers, one Whitethroat, two Blackcaps, four Chiffchaffs and three Willow Warblers.
The recent spring high tides have made counting waders very easy as they often congregate at Solfach and the surrounding rocks. This morning there were Whimbrels, Bar-tailed Godwits, Turnstones, Dunlins, Oystercatchers, a Ringed Plover, Purple Sandpipers and a Common Sandpiper. Whimbrels and Bar-tailed Godwits were seen across the island, including at the South End and in the North West Fields. A Canada Goose was also recorded off the West Coast.
Dunlin |
Purple Sandpipers |
Stuart has recorded several more plant species starting to flower. Greater Stitchwort was seen at Cristin Withy and Brackish Water-crowfoot was seen at Nant Pond. Small Adder's Tongue grows in a patch behind Plas Withy and is a rare fern that is limited to coastal dry grassland and thrives on islands on the west coast of Britain.
Greater Stitchwort |
Brackish Water-crowfoot |
Small Adder's Tongue |
Birds today: 11 Gannets, one Grey Heron, one Merlin, one Canada Goose, one Ringed Plover, 23 Purple Sandpipers, 21 Dunlins, five Bar-tailed Godwits, 47 Whimbrels, 2 Curlews, one Common Sandpiper, ten Turnstones, one Sand Martin, 19 Swallows, two House Martins, four White Wagtails, one Fieldfare, five Sedge Warblers, one Whitethroat, two Blackcaps, four Chiffchaffs, one 'Siberian' Chiffchaff, three Willow Warblers, one Greenfinch, four Siskins, 11 Goldfinches, eight Lesser Redpolls
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