Sunday 27 June 2021

After a week in Snowdonia, Stuart completed his first census starting at the LSA hut by the lighthouse. It was a productive start with a Sand Martin and Hooded Crow flying over. After hearing Herring Gull alarm calls, a Short-eared Owl was seen flying out at sea. It appeared to be heading north towards the island but was soon lost as it flew past the morning sun. 

The number of Starlings has increased with a flock of 50 in the North West Fields, 60 at Nant. Lower counts were seen at the South End and Ty Pellaf. Mallard numbers have also increased. Unfortunately none of the multiple breeding attempts were successful, so it was a surprise to see a group of nine on Solfach. The returning wader passage is continuing with 22 Curlews seen on the South End and a Common Sandpiper on Solfach.

A guest has brought over an additional moth trap, which they put out at Hendy. Species trapped include Small Angle Shades, Large Yellow Underwing, Clouded-boarded BrindleCommon Swift and Middle-bar Minor.

Small Angle Shades
Clouded-boarded Brindle

Birds today: 13 Gannets, two Grey Herons, 14 Mallards, 22 Curlews, one Common Sandpiper, one Collared Dove, one Short-eared Owl, one Sand Martin, one Hooded Crow, 113 Starlings

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