Friday, 8 October 2021

A morning seawatch from the Obs resulted in some movement mainly of Gulls including 6 Mediterranean, 7 Common and 205 Black-Headed along with a Great Northern Diver, a Great Skua, 75 Common Scoters and 2 Sandwich Terns. The light winds also meant there was some overhead passage including 45 Skylarks, 14 Siskins, 2 House Martins, 7 Swallows, 7 Starlings and 3 Grey Wagtails

Steve headed to the South End and was rewarded with another good seawatch to the South including around 6,000 Kittiwakes! He also had 3 Great Skuas, 4 Arctic Skuas, 231 Black-headed Gulls and around 400 Herring Gulls heading south. 

The nets were open by guest Andy at the Obs until mid-day and though it was relatively quite 12 Goldcrests, a Blackcap and a Chiffchaff was caught. Additionally, Goldcrests were at Nant (47) and in the Withies (12). 

The high tide roost contained 56 Oystercatcher, 4 Purple Sandpipers, 67 Turnstones, 12 Redshanks, 71 Curlews and the long-staying colour-ringed Whimbrel. A Whinchat was on the South End, a Yellow Wagtail was heard at Ty Pellaf, a total of 4 Great Spotted Woodpeckers (including one trapped at the Obs) and 4 Merlins. The Common Seal was still in Henllwyn. An increase in pipits across the Island resulted in 141 Meadows and 70 Rocks being logged.

Common Seal

An evening seawatch off the North End produced yet more Gulls moving through the sound totally 11 Mediterranean, 149 Black-headed, 4 Common and 200 Kittiwakes. Furthermore, a Red-throated Diver flew South, 119 Gannets and 3 Harbour Porpoise were feeding in the Sound.  

A colour ringed rock pipit ringed as a juvenile (3J) back on the 16/8/15

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