Saturday, 23 October 2021

As the forecast suggested, today was one for staying indoors! 

So, the order of the day was packing up the north side of the Lodge and doing laundry! Fiona and Emma were like Mrs Tiggy-Winkle (The hedgehog washerwoman from the Peter rabbit books!!), and got the beds stripped, bedding washed and hung around the place to dry inside. We daren't hang anything outside at the moment otherwise it would end up in Oslo!

Packing up the north side - all sheets pillow cases, duvet covers etc are all washed and dried
then all bedding, pillows and duvets go into zip lock vacuum bags
All bird bags get bleached and washed

then hung to dry
Fiona hard at work!!

Stuart and Megan returned yesterday and set about counting the seal pups again, after Anjie and Penny had been doing it whilst they were away. We are now up to 61 pups, the largest number ever recorded in a single year on the island.

I think I will snooze here and dream of fish!

Birdwise, there was very little change from the previous few days. The usual waders were down on the beaches, A Brambling was the only notable finch at the Obs in the morning, However bird of the day came at the 11th hour with a Tree Sparrow I saw briefly at Ty Pellaf with a small bunch of Chaffinches. Stuart came down and saw it, again briefly. This is the first record of the year!

One of 23 Greater Black-backed Gulls seen today along with 380 Herring Gulls

Some of today's 51 Turnstones dodging waves

Chough pair

Chough - there were 36 feeding on Solfach.

Magpies loving the seaweed hump on the Narrows

Big, bad Raven!

We have had three different drone pilots stay at the Lodge this autumn. I have not gotten around to looking through all the images that Andy Purcell sent, but here is an unusual view of the island that has just arrived today from Jason Brook who stayed in September.

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