Tuesday 22 March 2022

Clear skies and sunshine made for an almost Mediterranean feel to the island at the start of the day. The European feel continued as four Black Redstarts (1 male, 3 female-type) were found. A female Bullfinch was heard calling in Cristin garden, which was later seen at Ty Capel. In the afternoon, a Red Kite was seen circling over the Wetlands.

Black Redstart © Ollie King

Red Kite © Steve Stansfield

Migrants slowly filtered through today, resulting in nine Chiffchaffs (three trapped in the Heligoland), a Blackcap (also trapped), five Goldcrests, five Chaffinches, two Lesser Redpolls, and only three Siskins. Wheatear numbers increased from three yesterday to seven today. 

Other migrant highlights were 17 Redshanks, a Ringed Plover, 109(!) Purple Sandpipers, and a female Sparrowhawk.

Purple Sandpiper © Ed Betteridge

At sea, the first Puffin was seen, as well as five Common Scoters. 16 Curlews and one Whimbrel flew North. 

The first butterfly of the year was recorded with two Small Tortoiseshells

Small Tortoiseshell © Ollie King

'Margret' the Cattle Egret remained in amongst the sheep!

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