Friday, 30 June 2023

Today saw a strong wind with some rain showers passing through. Birds were thin on the ground but Curlew numbers continue to grow with 18 today. Also seen today was a Common Sandpiper around the Narrows. 

Most of the day was spent inputting the ringing data from all the seabirds ringed over the last month. As a result, we now know that this year we have ringed the most Shags, Puffins, Razorbills and adult Guillemots then any other year in the last 70 years of Bardsey Bird Observatory! Hopefully this will result in lots of important data on survival and movement of these species. 

A colourful Peach Blossom was the highlight from the moth traps © Ed Betteridge

This evening was again spent monitoring and catching Manx Shearwaters. In total 136 new birds were ringed with 38 retraps caught including birds ringed in 1992, 1997 and 2001!

Manx Shearwater ringed as an adult in 1992 and not seen since 2003! © Ed Betteridge

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