Tuesday 10 October 2023

The south-westerlies strengthened overnight and reduced overhead passage first thing. Common Scoters were still on the move off the West Coast with 130 logged alongside a pair of Shovelers and three Teals. Gull passage south off the West Coast totalled 66 Black-headed Gulls, two Mediternean Gulls, ten Common Gulls and 40 Lesser Black-backed Gulls

A notable flock of nine Lapwing were on Henllywn before heading south with a Wheatear on the South End. Six Golden Plover and two Dunlins went south with a Merlin hunting the coast. A corvid arrival saw 17 Carrion Crows, ten Rooks and six Jackdaws around the South End with 23 Choughs logged including some new colour ringed birds from the mainland. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was new in at Nant. An small butterfly arrival saw a Painted Lady, 12 Red Admiral and two Small Tortoiseshell

Other birds totals today were two Kestrel, a Water Rail, three Dunlins, 28 Purple Sandpipers, a Snipe, 97 Turnstones, a Whimbrel, 25 Skylarks, a Grey Wagtail, three White Wagtails, three Song Thrushes, a Blackcap, six Chiffchaffs, 28 Goldcrests, 28 Starlings, four Chaffinches, 21 Siskins, 41 Goldfinches and two Lesser Redpolls

Woodpigeon © Ed Betteridge

Dazzling during the evening resulted in two Dunlins, a Ringed Plover, two Purple Sandpipers, an Oystercatcher and three Moorhens.

Volunteer Tom Williams ringing an Oystercatcher © Ed Betteridge
Pearly Underwing from the moth trap  © Ed Betteridge

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