Monday 20 May 2024

A clear, sunny day was very welcome after the recent fog, with south-easterly winds to start the morning switching to northerly in the evening. 

The highlight of the day was an adult Pomarine Skua seen heading west off Henllwyn, the first of the year. The Grey Plover remained on Solfach with four Sanderlings, and two Dunlins. Other waders recorded included six Whimbrels, a Curlew and four Turnstones, and six adult Ringed Plovers

Ringed Plover on the Narrows © Ed Betteridge
The touch of east in the wind did lead to a few other migrants, included a Swift which bombed it north over the Wetlands, a 'Greenland' Wheatear in amongst the breeding birds on the South End, eight Spotted Flycatchers, 24 Swallows and 15 House Martins. A total of five Sedge Warblers were recorded, as well as five Whitethroats, two Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs, and two Willow Warblers. There were also five Goldfinches, a female Chaffinch, a Siskin, and four Lesser Redpolls

Other birds included a Grey Heron in Henllwyn, six Shelducks in Solfach, a Buzzard on the Mountain above Cristin, four Collared Doves overhead, and a Rook over the South End. 

The warm sunny weather was also great for butterflies, with numbers of Green Veined Whites increasing to 35 recorded, as well as a Large White in the Wetlands, and the first Common Blue of the year at the North End. There have also been some impressive jellyfish blooms recently, and around the South End alone there were eight Blue, 60 Moon and three Compass Jellyfish

Foxgloves out in force along the Green Lane © Kate Fox

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