Saturday 11 May 2024

Last night we were treated to an extraordinary display from the Aurora Borealis with clear skies perfect for watching this spectacle. 

Staff viewing the Northern Lights © Steve Stansfield

Northern Lights © Ed Betteridge

A Canada Goose was a surprise start to the day with a single bird flying over and landing on the sea off Solfach! Waders are still passing in decent numbers with four Ringed Plovers, four Sanderlings, six Dunlins, five Whimbrels, a Common Sandpiper and three Turnstones. Two White Wagtails were on Solfach with a Cuckoo and Garden Warbler at Nant with Spotted Flycatchers starting to pass through with nine logged. 

Warblers numbered four Sedge Warblers, a Blackcap, ten Willow Warblers, six Chiffchaffs with a Goldcrest new in at Cristin. Three Collared Doves toured the Island with a Feral Pigeon around Plas. Redpolls are definitely on the move with 20 including ten ringed with three Goldfinches and four Siskins. Hirundines numbered 30 Swallows, nine Sand Martins and four House Martins.

Turnstone © Ed Betteridge

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