Monday 17 June 2024

Today staff took advantage of the calm weather to visit the Gwylan islands to monitor the breeding seabirds. This saw an incredible 427 new birds ringed as well as resighting colour ringed Shags and retraping some of the breeding auks. This total included 102 Guillemot chicks (over double ringed there last year), 51 Great Black-backed Gulls chicks (25 colour ringed), 22 Herring Gulls chicks, 53 Shags chicks (15 colour ringed), five Cormorant chicks, 21 Razorbills and 62 Puffins

Highlights from Bardsey included a Sparrowhawk, a Kestrel, a Whimbrel, two Curlews, four Redshanks, a Sand Martin, eight migrant Swallows south, three Sedge Warblers and three Goldfinches

Cormorant chick © Lauren Evans
Ewan ringing © Ed Betteridge

Colour ringed Great Black-backed Gull chick © Ed Betteridge

Puffling © Ed Betteridge

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