Friday 23 August 2024

Strong south westerly winds turned to north-west during the morning and resulted in some passage off the West Coast. This included an adult Sabine's Gull, two juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls, 64 Sandwich Terns, 108 Kittiwakes, three Common Scoters, two Arctic Skuas, 1411 Manx Shearwaters, 18 Fulmars, a Storm Petrel, 15 Razorbills, 29 Dunlins, eight Ringed Plovers, a Turnstone and 26 Curlews passed. 

Elsewhere, five Ringed Plovers went over the Narrows, a Dunlin called along the West Coast, the Gyr Falcon was still hunting and a Little Egret was on Pwll Cain.

A new Seal Pup was on Henllwyn © Ed Betteridge
One of four Swallows ringed at Carrag © Ed Betteridge

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