Monday 19 August 2024

Strong wind and rain for almost the entire day mad for a rather miserable August day on Bardsey. It wasn't until the late evening when the rain finally cleared; a trip down to the Narrows for the evening high tide produced a rather unexpected Kingfisher! Possibly the same bird that was seen a few weeks ago, the bird flew south across Solfach calling before being seen flying along the West Coast north. This is only the 24th Island record!

A Storm Petrel was seen going along the West Coast, with a Grey Wagtail on the Solfach and three Common Sandpipers around the Narrows. 

During the bad weather Phoebe was going through her drone footage, below are some examples of the Risso's Dolphin photos. 

Risso's Dolphin © Phoebe Moss

Risso's Dolphins © Phoebe Moss

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