Monday 2 September 2024

A brisk wind with rain showers resulted in a rather bleak day. However, breaks in the rain saw four Pied Flycatchers between Cristin and Nant, a Swift high north, a Whinchat by Carrag Bach, a Jackdaw and Rook in the Lowlands, a Tree Pipit at Nant, a Collared Dove at Cristin and a total of 21 Spotted Flycatchers, 17 Willow Warblers, five Whitethroats and six Chiffchaffs

The students were given a couple of talks on bird identification by sight and sound and were shown how to dress and prepare crabs and lobsters!

Whinchat © Ed Betteridge

Spotted Flycatchers © Ed Betteridge

Pied Flycatcher © Ed Betteridge

Students preparing crabs and lobsters © Kate Fox

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