Sunday 22 September 2024

A northerly wind saw little changeover however, 48 Pink-footed Geese went north along the West Coast mid-morning, these are only the 14th Island record with seven of these records being since 2016 it would be expected to get a lot more with the previous record count being only 11 on 16th September 2022. 

Elsewhere, the first Great Spotted Woodpecker of the year was at Cristin before becoming mobile, the Lesser Whitethroat was again around Ty Pellaf with two Swallows, three Skylarks, a House Martin and seven Grey Wagtails over. Other notable totals included eight Ringed Plovers, a Dunlin, two Snipe, two Whimbrels, 13 White Wagtails, a Blackcap, 13 Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, six Goldcrests, a Wheatear and 21 Robins

A very busy day on the Grey Seal front with nine fresh new pups around the coastline increasing the total number to 56; with the record being 62 pups in both 2022 and 2021 and still a few months of pupping to go this could easily be a record breaking year! 

Pink-footed Goose © Ed Betteridge

New seal pup with mum on Solfach ©  Ed Betteridge

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