Friday 20 September 2024

Strong easterly weather with clear skies saw some overhead movement with six Skylarks, 20 'AlbaWagtails, 297 Meadow Pipits and eight Grey Wagtails over. Four Wigeon went over the Narrows with three Snipe on the South End, a Bar-tailed Godwit, eight Ringed Plovers, 17 White Wagtails and six Teals in Solfach, three Mediterranean Gulls and two Common Scoters were out to sea, a Spotted Flycatcher was at Nant, a Lesser Whitethroat was at Ty Pellaf with a total of 121 Linnets, seven Chaffinches, 12 Goldfinches Willow Warbler, six Wheatears, 29 Robins, three Kestrels and four Whimbrels logged. 

Lesser Whitethroat © Steve Stansfield

Bar-tailed Godwit © Steve Stansfield

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