Wednesday 11 September 2024

Strong north-westerly winds produced less then expected off the West Coast with another Leach's Petrel south alongside a Great Skua, three Pomarine Skuas, a Storm Petrel, four Common Scoters, 96 Manx Shearwaters, 13 Fulmars, four Guillemots, 19 Razorbills, 60 Gannets, 80 Kittwakes and a Common Gull

Elsewhere, a Merlin went over the Mountain, 12 White Wagtails, two Ringed Plovers and a Dunlin were on Solfach with a total of seven Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, six Goldcrests and a Blackcap.  

We are getting new Seal pups everyday with this being the 18th of the year © Ed Betteridge

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