Saturday 19 October 2024

A calmer south-westerly with clear skies saw another push of migrants. Out to sea another 159 Mediterranean Gulls went south alongside 56 Common Gulls, 241 Black-headed Gulls, 348 Kittiwakes, a Sandwich Tern, 60 Common Scoters, nine Guillemots and 1346 Razorbills. Overhead a Water Pipit went high south-west over Cristin, this being the 13th record and first since 2021, along with 121 Skylarks and a Grey Wagtail. Finches totalled 64 Chaffinches, five Bramblings, three Greenfinches, 55 Goldfinches, 27 Siskins, a Lesser Redpoll and 36 Linnets

Other migrants today were three Manx Shearwaters, 139 Gannets, a Little Egret, two Merlins, two Water Rails, two Purple Sandpiper, three Snipe, 13 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 147 Meadow Pipits, 39 Robins, 16 Stonechats, 11 Song Thrushes, 12 Redwings, two Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs, seven Goldcrests, 45 Choughs, 112 Starlings and a Reed Bunting

Woodpigeon ringed at Cristin © Ed Betteridge

Chaffinch © Ed Betteridge

Greenfinch © Ed Betteridge

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