Thursday 17 October 2024

Strong southerly winds saw a late push of hirundines with 67 Swallows and four House Martins through. Out to sea, four Arctic Skuas, 53 Mediterranean Gulls and 21 Common Gulls passed. A mobile Snow Bunting was on Solfach before heading south, a Black Redstart remained at Nant with the Firecrest and the Yellow-browed Warbler remained in the Withies. 

Other birds seen was a Manx Shearwater, 155 Gannets, a Little Egret, a Teal, 16 Common Scoters, three Merlins, two Water Rails, six Purple Sandpipers, six Whimbrels, 12 Redshanks, 53 Turnstones, two Black-headed Gulls, 735 Kittiwakes, 31 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 39 Great Black-backed Gulls, 1835 Razorbills, four Guillemots, two Long-eared Owls, a Skylark, 256 Starlings, a Wheatear, 23 Redwings, two Blackcaps, five Chiffchaffs, nine Goldcrests, 12 Chaffinches, 18 Goldfinches and a Reed Bunting.

Swallow © Ed Betteridge
Snow Bunting  © Ed Betteridge

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