Tuesday 8 October 2024

The theme of the day was moderate easterly winds with light rain showers interspersed with sunny spells, before the wind picked up and shifted to the North. 

Two Great White Egrets were the highlight of the day, which flew south along the West Coast, an exciting sighting being only the twelfth island record, and the second this year!

Five Common Scoters, two Arctic Skuas, two Sandwich Terns, four Common Gulls and five Black-Headed Gulls flew south along the West Coast, and a Golden Plover went south over the South End. Wader counts totalled at eight Oystercatchers, a Ringed Plover, a Dunlin, a Snipe, a Whimbrel, 42 Curlews and 28 Turnstones, and an additional five Black-headed Gulls, two Grey Herons and a Little Egret were hanging around the Narrows. A Reed Bunting was heard again at Tŷ Pellaf, the Firecrest ringed on the 6th was retrapped, and the long-staying juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker was ringed at Cristin. 

There was another push of hirundines heading south, with 173 Swallows and 43 House Martins recorded. Other birds included eight Skylarks, 12 Blackbirds, three Song Thrushes, a Redwing, three Blackcaps, ten Chiffchaffs, seven Goldcrests, a Spotted Flycatcher, a Starling, 14 Chaffinches, and five Goldfinches, and a bumper count of nine Ravens

House Martin on the move! © Kate Fox
Great Spotted Woodpecker © Ed Betteridge

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