Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Our internet has still been palying up, and as a result updates have not been coming as readily as we would have hoped.

Thai said, we have been busy again over the past few days....

On Monday 18th, we had a visit from Paul Sandham to help us get the internet sorted. Paul is a complete computer geek (wizard!) and had us up and running again. Over the past weeks we have had many mant emails andd messages trying to get to the bottom of the issue with the internet. Paul brought his pal Noel (and his wife) who is a solar geek. Noel, Colin and I fixed the solar panels back on to the frame, they were forciably removed by Storm Darragh in December!!

Paul, with a bit of help from me, fitted the new bridge between the mainland and the island.

The white square above Paul’s head had blown! Possibly a lightning strike.

Noel and his wife fixed the solar panels back onto the frames.

Panels all fixed and good to go

Our new Assistants Greg and Ewan arrived on Monday evening, and after their unpacking on Tuesday 18th, and doing their census, they set about cleaning the ringing lab. Everything came out, walls were cleaned and painted where needed. All the rings, bags, boxes and books were checked and sorted. They did a sterling job!

Highlights of census were: two Merlins, a Water Rail in the Wetlands, a Collared Dove at Nant and a female Bullfinch at Cristin.

Whilst Ewan and Greg were in the ringing lab I was removing the sink unit from the Lodge as we were having a new window fitted in the kitchen the following day.

Whilst dismantelling the water filter under the sink I discovered the ballast (the electrical controller) on the UV water filter in the obs was broken. Ok order a new one….  Two hours of web surfing and I gave up. I could have one shipped from Australia… by MAY !!  Or buy a whole new UV filter unit to be here by Friday! So we will have a whole new UV filter to fit when it arrives.

In the afternoon, I was required to become a star of the big screen again! A film crew doing a documentary about 'Spring on the farm' wanted to do a piece with me about farming and conservation. Gareth was the main star of the show of course. This will be aired on Channel 5 sometime later in the year.

Whilst filming on the Narrows, four Canada Geese flew over and headed south. 

Census on Wednesday 19th produced the first real arrival of Chiffchaffs, with 14 recorded. Two Sparrowhawks were at Nant, with two Purple Sandpipers on the Narrows. A Jack Snipe was in thw Wetlands, two Redwings on the South End along with a Skylark and teh Bullfinch remained at Cristin.   Ewan and Greg set about getting all the bird bags sorted for the season. 

Then Sion Dorkins, a local carpenter/builder arrived to fit the kitchen window that he had made in his workshop on the mainland.

The old one was, how should we put this?…. Dead!!

It pretty much fell out, it was so rotten

The new window looks great now its fitted, but there is still a lot of work getting in sealed etc.

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