Monday, 14 March 2011

A good selection of birds were scattered around the island throughout the day. The easterlies that had developed during the night had obviously spurred an arrival of many more Meadow Pipits, with the day's total standing at 185 individuals. A drab Wheatear was seen on the south end in the morning, as was a Merlin, three Ring Plovers, a Sand Martin, a Skylark, three Linnets, a Siskin and three Greenfinches. Further finch movement over the middle of the island saw an additional twelve Chaffinches, a Brambling, four Siskins, nine Linnets and three Goldfinches making an appearance. The Firecrest was again seen in Cristin garden, whilst three Chiffchaffs, five Goldcrests and four Woodpigeons were at Nant. The best bird of the day was concealed amongst a flock of a hundred Meadow Pipits on the south end: a Lapland Longspur. This bird (second record for the year) fed in the short grass with the flock of Meadow Pipits for most of the afternoon. Seven more Sand Martins also flew over during the afternoon.

135 Meadow Pipits were on the south end in the morning
The second Brambling of the year moved through with the other finches
Eight Sand Martins were seen today
Lapland Longspur. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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