Sunday, 13 March 2011

The wind finally eased from the west and the clouds blew away during the night to leave clear blue skies in the morning. A few more birds were also dotted around the island with the day kicking off to a good start when a lovely male Wheatear was seen along the west side of the south end. At least sixty Meadow Pipits were also on the south end, with a further twenty four seen elsewhere. A quick sea-watch off the south tip produced: two Fulmars, seven Gannets, seventeen Common Scoters, thirteen Guillemots and twenty eight Razorbills. Another male Wheatear was seen on the west side, whilst two Skylarks were on the maritime heath. An unringed Firecrest had arrived at Cristin and spent the rest of the day feeding in the garden with a male Goldcrest, a Song Thrush and a Chiffchaff. A slight presence of corvid passage was also noted, with twenty four Carrion Crows and six Ravens flying and calling above the mountain. A quick search of the south end in the afternoon produced another male Wheatear accompanying the one present earlier and a couple Ring Plovers on the beach. A couple Snipe were flushed from the wetlands and two Small tortoise Shell butterflies were seen at the observatory. A Buzzard and Merlin were the only raptors present.

As well as this flock of fourteen, a further three Common Scoters passed the south tip in the morning
Some very nice male Wheatears were feeding on the south end and the narrows. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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