Wednesday, 23 March 2011

A lovely calm, sunny day saw temperatures climbing to their highest yet this year. A few birds arrived in the calm conditions, with the best bird of the day and year so far arriving just before dusk. This bird came in the form of a male Hawfinch, and was first found in Cristin garden. After being seen a few times in the field, it was trapped and ringed before darkness fell; this is only the twenty first record for the island, and the fourth to be ringed. Many more Meadow Pipits were present during the day, with the day’s total amounting to 360 birds. A single Lapland Bunting was seen flying into the hay fields, whilst a Goldcrest was in the south end gully and a Collard Dove was by the lighthouse. Finch passage took place during the morning, with totals amounting to: a Brambling, six Greenfinches, thirteen Linnets, twelve Goldfinches and eight Siskins. Hirundine passage included the first Swallow of the year by Ty Pellaf, the first House Martin of the year (only three days later than the earliest ever record) by Ty Pellaf in the evening and twelve Sand Martins during the day. Fifteen Goldcrests were in Cristin garden, with another three at Nant and one at Ty Pellaf; thirteen Chiffchaffs were also in the island's vegetated areas. A Dunlin and a Ringed Plover were the only waders of note present.

 Finches were seen in good numbers today; Siskin (top), Greenfinch (middle) and Goldfinch (bottom).
Another decent moth-trapping session saw sixty one moths attracted to the trap. Two Twin-spotted Quakers (first live specimens for the island) and a Clouded Drab (seventh for the island) were amongst the highlights. Pictures (c) Ben Porter

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